Understanding the Cyclops's attack patterns is vital for Dark And Darker Gold surviving this encounter. While its attacks are slow, they deal massive damage and can knock you out instantly if you're not careful.

    Overhead Smash: The Cyclops raises its massive club and slams it down, dealing heavy damage in a small area. This attack is telegraphed with a noticeable animation, giving you time to dodge sideways.

    Sweeping Strike: The boss swings its club horizontally in a wide arc. This attack can hit multiple players at once, making it especially dangerous for grouped-up teams. Maintain spacing between party members to avoid simultaneous damage.

    Stomp Attack: When players get too close, the Cyclops may perform a ground stomp, causing AoE damage around its feet. Keep your distance to avoid being caught off guard.

    Berserk Charge: Occasionally, the Cyclops will charge toward a player, dealing immense damage upon contact. Stay mobile and use the environment to buy Dark And Darker Gold Coins block its path.